I make zines.

Sometimes I put them up on Etsy for buying. Or just email me, and I can make it happen. In reverse chronological order aka newest first, here they are.

A Zine a Day

For like a really productive week and a half I made a zine every day.

Till DeathDo You Part

In this delightful 53 page half-sized zine, the reader answers a series of questions to land upon the serial killer or killers that is their soul mate. At the end they will find a pencil line drawn portrait and a brief description that tells a bit about the killer.

There are 28 possible outcomes, depending on how the reader answers the questions asked.

is stronger than death.

This is a quarter size zine - 48 pages - completed in September of 2018. It is a zine about grief written in the aftermath of the sudden death of my sister-in-law.


This 64-page half-sized zine takes excerpts from the blog I kept for 3 years as I went through treatments for Infertility.

Whether or not you have experience with Infertility, it is a good read. You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll read the word vagina more than once!


This mini-zine features a haiku I've written for every person I've ever kissed (in chronological order, of course).

Same Old City

From 2002, this is half-size and 32 pages long. It is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 26-year-old version of me, a brand-new librarian living in New York City falling in and out of love with too many boys.

Also features an awesome sections of poorly drawn but pretty funny cartoons of scenes from my childhood.

Dear Anxiety, #8

Half-size and 40 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 25-year-old version of me, about to start grad school - leaving my temporary home in my parents' basement in Mansfield Ohio and landing in New York City.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #6

Half-size and 40 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #5

Half-size and 54 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #4

Half-size and 28 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #3

Half-size and 24 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #2

Half-size and 16 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.

Also includes submissions from a variety of friends.

Dear Anxiety, #1

Half-size and 12 pages long, it is full of thoughts, image. photos, humour and poetry of the 24-year-old version of me, post-college and living in DC, confused and anxious about life and love.